Friday, 13 May 2016

Essentials That Guarantee Success in the Charlotte NC DOT Exams

According to the directives issued by the Federal Government any person applying for a CDL must pass the Department of Transportation health exam. To ensure that the drivers are capable and healthy enough to operate commercial vehicles, DOT exams are conducted which is supervised by a certified medical professional. Complete and thorough evaluation is done during the Charlotte NC DOT Exams to make sure that the driver is physically fit as well as highly competent to operate a
commercial vehicle.
The DOT exam includes not only a physical examination test but also a written test as well as a road skill test. The total cost of the exams varies from $60 to $80 which includes drug screen tests also. The exams alone cost $60, but if one calls first and takes the tests on either Tuesdays or Thursdays the price is reduced to $50 only.
The Check list for the Charlotte Dot Exams includes finding out if any physical disabilities exist. Other health conditions like Diabetes, disorders in the Cardio Vascular system, or if the patient has a history of muscular or vascular diseases, respiratory problems, hearing disability, visual accuracy as well as mental or psychiatric disorders. Whether the person is addicted to drugs or alcohol or has a history of epilepsy or any other related disorder is also checked thoroughly as part of the DOT physical Exam.
If the person has suffered from any such disease, tests, results and current medication details must be produced. The name of the prescribing doctor as well as their telephone numbers must be produced when appearing for the DOT exams. If wearing glasses, these too have to be brought.

The form for the DOT exams can either be downloaded from the website or the DOT or taken from the DOT office for which one has to come at least 15 minutes earlier. 

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